

The Prevail Social Distancing 5k will be a race held on the weekend of March 27th-29th, 2020. This is exactly as it sounds, a race that you will do by yourself but that many others around the world will be participating in. 


  1. Cruise Category: Flat, or no more than 200 feet of vertical gain over the course of the 5k. 

  2. Moderate Category: 201 to 500 feet of vertical gain over the course of the 5k. 

  3. Hill Category: 501 to 2000+ feet over vertical gain over the course of the 5k. (Ouch!)

How It Works

  1. You will choose your category. (Cruise, Moderate, Hilly)

  2. Choose your own 5k route you want to run.

  3. Track it with your GPS or Strava.

  4. Take a picture of yourself at completion and upload your data/time/results to our website!.

We will then review the results over the next 36 hours after completion and prizes will be awarded to the top 3 in each category. 

This 5k is encouraged to be road only, in order to cater to the majority of access people have right now. You are welcome to run the race on a trail or a dirt road, but all results will be treated the same for this race and we will not be differentiating between pavement and dirt for this event.

Don’t panic trail junkies!

We hope to have a trail only event very soon!


(The cheapest race fee you’ll ever pay!) 



an official Prevail Social Distancing 5k t-shirt

1 Trail-sized Prevail SALVation CBD salve stick

Cool Prevail sticker

PREVAIL AWARDS: (for each category)

FIRST PLACE = $300 Prevail products gift card

SECOND PLACE = $200 Prevail products gift card

THIRD PLACE = $100 Prevail products gift card

    A once in a lifetime race that you can tell your grandkids that you participated in!



It’s obviously challenging to “normalize” a standard course for participants who will be all over the world. While we are fully aware that different weather conditions, traffic, road surface, etc can all effect the speed of a given course, we will differentiate the 3-course categories based on the most significant factor-vertical gain. 

We will take the top 3 best times in each category!

(This is the honor system! No cheating and riding your bike or putting on your rollerblades!) 

If you choose to do the maximum amount of vertical gain in a given category, we totally realize that it is more difficult, but due to the complexity of profiling each individual racer’s data, we will not be giving extra time bonus’, so choose your course wisely in order to optimize your chances if you are doing this to try to place in the top 3!

Otherwise, just have fun. 


This race is non-refundable. Given that you can choose to do this race at any time over the course of the 3-day window, you are in control of whether you choose to run or not. 

You must complete your race no LATER than 7 pm PST on Sunday, March 27th. 

No Changing Categories after the race. Choose your category wisely up FRONT. Whichever category you choose when registering, you are required to stick to that one. 

*Please note your swag kit may take up to 2 weeks to receive in the mail*

COVID-19 Safety

We know that everyone misses running together, but due to the CDC recommendations, we strongly encourage that you run this race solo. If you choose to run it with someone else, we encourage you to keep 6 feet of distance and to avoid touching. These are strange times we’re living through. Please be safe and be smart.