“ Prevail was made especially for active people who are tired of relying on Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs and want a more natural solution to their pain. We not only created one of the most potent full-spectrum CBD products in existence, but we have built an inspiring community of active humans who support and uplift each other. Together we prevail over pain, and we prevail over life’s challenges.”
Brock Cannon
Founder of Prevail Botanicals
In 2016, former pro mountain bike racer Brock Cannon got into ultra mountain running. With the ultra running miles, came ultra inflammation and pain. Brock took 12 ibuprofen tablets per day until he realized that he was on a dangerous road internally. He searched instead for a solution from nature, and in 2018 formulated one of nature's most potent and botanically rich salves.
Brock continues to test the products efficacy and effectiveness by being out in the wilderness right alongside Prevail’s 140+ ambassador athletes. He enjoys trail and ultra running, back country skiing, hiking for solitude in nature, and has most recently taken up cold water plunging in freezing rivers and lakes under the direction of Wim Hof. Prevail has been helping people toss their ibuprofen away since 2018, and with more effectiveness.
I also like to do what I can to bring the community together around great causes. 2020 was difficult for many people but at least out community had the trails and open road to do what we love most. Check out our Virtual 5K that we help at the beginning of the COVID shutdown. Interested in working together to hold another? Just reach out me! I love supporting the community.