Can CBD Make You Depressed?


Written by Nicole Richter

The CBD industry has grown at an unprecedented rate over the course of the last several years. Unfortunately, it seems demand for CBD is growing at a quicker pace than scientific research. Media outlets, CBD oil manufacturers, and even doctors are making claims about the compound that simply aren’t backed up by data or research.

The bottom line is, we are living in an age where more information than ever before is available. Rarely, however, is this information accurate or reliable beyond a reasonable doubt.

CBD proponents claim the compound can do anything from treat diabetes to cure debilitating ailments. In the coming years and decades, we may very well find out that this is true. However, radical claims as to the healing benefits of CBD have left many thousands of people underwhelmed.

The truth is, CBD will not work for everyone. It is also not entirely void of negative side effects, as many have claimed. That said, CBD oil is not a ‘snake oil,’ either — as many opponents argue.

As an interested user, the goal is to come to terms with what CBD can – and can’t – do. 

Will CBD oil make you feel worse than you already do? This is doubtful, but it’s certainly worth learning more about the compound before you start implementing it into your daily routine.

If You Take CBD, Will it Make You Feel Worse?

Certainly, CBD has received a lot of attention – much of it positive. One thing we know about CBD is that it doesn’t provide an intoxicating high like THC. CBD is technically psychoactive, but not in the way most people think. You certainly don’t have to worry about it getting you high.

In terms of whether or not CBD oil will make you feel worse, it is highly unlikely that it will. While claims that CBD is “100% side-effect free” are unsubstantiated, there is little evidence that it will make you feel worse than you already do.

There is little evidence that CBD oil will make you feel worse than you already do.

That said, CBD oil can produce some unwanted side effects. It can cause drowsiness, and it interacts with other drugs and processes relating to drug metabolism. It may also impact long-term liver health, but this is still very much under investigation.

Additional research is needed…

The reality is CBD hasn’t been studied to the degree that’s needed in order to make the health claims that many are making. Mostly, this is down to the fact that the hemp-derived CBD wasn’t widely available for research until recently.

Even under the updated U.S. Farm Bill, which legalizes the commercial production of hemp, CBD-based research hasn’t yet caught up with all the claims that have been made as to its benefits. Until proper research has been done, anecdotal claims will continue to outpace reliable clinical data.

In terms of CBD oil worsening depression or anxiety, several studies have suggested it does the opposite. Researchers in one of these studies, for example, analyzed the effects of cannabidiol on 103 adults to see how it impacted anxiety and sleep quality.

Out of the final sample of 72 adults, only three could not tolerate CBD. Furthermore, anxiety scores decreased among 79% of the patients. Based on this data, roughly 80% of CBD consumers will experience positive effects in terms of anxiety, while roughly 4% (three out of 72) may experience worsening effects.

Summary: Will CBD Oil Make You Feel Worse Than You Already Do?

It is irresponsible to make the claim that CBD is free from adverse side effects. Research is ongoing, and we do know that different people have different experiences when consuming products like CBD oil.

As for whether or not CBD oil will make you feel worse, this is unlikely. CBD has an excellent safety profile, and it is mostly safe to use, even at high doses.